Category: Projects

Trainee’s Diary Vol. 4

    Hi again! So, at the time this comes out Tokyo is in full reopening mode. And I figured I’d make this the last diary, at least for a while. To begin with corona diaries seemed to me a sort of silly idea, as if the trainees would have more to write about when… Read more »

Trainee’s Diary Vol. 3

    Hi again!   In this third entry I’m going to talk about what has been going on recently.  Now as I’ve said all of the Institutes physical events have been moved to autumn, which is poised to be really, really busy. In the meanwhile, I’ve been working on planning some events of my… Read more »

Trainee’s Diary Vol. 2

    Trainee’s Diary 2: A change of pace   Hello again! This time a few things about the beginnings of all this. For the longest time life in Tokyo remained relatively normal and it felt like the pandemic did not really affect Japan. It was only with the postponement of the Olympics and subsequent… Read more »

Trainee’s Diary Vol. 1

    Hi! I’m Lauri Selonen and I’ll be blogging from Tokyo, where I’m the intern for Finnish Institute in Japan. I’m a masters program student at the Centre for East Asian Studies at University of Turku. This internship through EDUFI, while not strictly required for my studies was something that I had wanted to… Read more »


1.7.2024 Kindly notice that the TelepART applications processing is on hold until August 12 2024. Due to the Finnish Institute in Japan’s summer vacation season, the processing of Telepart grant applications will be on hold until August 12th. In urgent matters, kindly contact us at  The Finnish Institute in Japan’s TelepART funding programme helps… Read more »

The 20th anniversary year of the Finnish Institute in Japan 2018

The 20th anniversary of the foundation of the Finnish Institute in Japan will be 18.11.2018. The theme of the anniversary year is New Openings, which will be made in all the fields that the institute works with: science, culture and higher education cooperation. The theme New Openings will also be included in the institute’s residency… Read more »

Artists’ Kalevala in Japan and Kerava

Artists’ Kalevala in Japan –project introduces Finnish folklore through modern art from a Japanese perspective. The aim of the project is to promote mutual cultural understanding and artistic cooperation between Finland and Japan, as well as to broaden the way we interpret mythology and folklore. The project is organized together with Kalevalaseura as a part… Read more »

FIN/JPN LAB – seminar series

FIN/JPN LAB -mini seminar series continues in spring 2018   FIN/JPN LAB is the Finnish Institute in Japan`s seminar series which brings together Japanese and Finnish residency artists and art professionals. Started in 2016, the speakers of the seminars have featured artists in residency in Akiyoshidai International Art Village and Yokobo Art Space, and guests… Read more »