Finnish Language Course

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Starting from this month The Finnish Institute in Japan will organize TWO Finnish language courses: Finnish language course for absolute beginners starting September 24th as well as an Advanced course starting September 17th!

Place: Online (Zoom) until further notice.
Time: Each course every other Friday 15:00–17:00 JST
Beginners’ course: 24.9., 8.10., 22.10., 5.11., 19.11., 3.12., 17.12.
Advanced course: 17.9., 1.10., 15.10., 29.10., 12.11., 26.11., 10.12.
Course fee: 14,000JPY
Teachers: Raija Okuda, Raija Hashimoto
Textbook for absolute beginners: ニューエクスプレスプラス フィンランド語(山川亜古・白水社), for Advanced course, Selkosanomat and other material provided by the teachers
Cancellation policy: No refund after enrolling.

The registration is now open! The maximum number of participants for the beginners course is 20 and for the Advanced course is 15, so act fast! The students register for the whole course and will purchase the course material themselves. Register by Monday 13th September 2021, by sending your name and e-mail to You will get a confirmation e-mail.

Nähdään kurssilla! Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

Photo: Shutterstock