What to learn more about the revolutionary new Finnish programme for the schools? How the increase in physical activity during the school day will give better learning results? Schools on the Move is a research-based programme for promoting physical activity in schools. It was developed in 2010 and has grown from a pilot project into a project that today covers more than 90 percent of Finnish schools in basic education.
Finnish Institute in Japan is collaborating with LIKES Research Centre for Physical Activity and Health in Finland with the pilot project in Japan.
Join us in the Schools on the Move webinar November 26th, 2020 17:00-19:00PM in Zoom.
17:00 Opening words – Anna-Maria Wiljanen, Director of the Finnish Institute in Japan
17.10-17.30 Success story 1: Schools on the Move programme, how it became a national success story in Finland – Antti Blom, Programme Director, National Agency for Education
17.40-18.10 Success story 2: Programme research and results, Researcher – Jouni Kallio, LIKES Research Centre for Physical Activity and Health
18.10-18.40 Success story 3: Components of Schools on the Move – Pilot project in Japan – Joonas Niemi, Programme Coordinator, Schools on the Move Programme
18:40-19:00 Q&A Session
Registration: https://schoolsonthemove1126.peatix.com/
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