Make a connection to Japan through Art.
At the moment it is difficult to visit other countries, but art can travel. In this two-part workshop we will communicate cross-culturally through art and sensory experimental program.
We are connecting Finland and Japan in a hybrid art workshop, during which we take a walk in the nature, and then, inspired by what we experienced outside, paint. The works will be cut into pieces, and half of the pieces will be mailed between Finland and Japan. In the second workshop we make a collage from the pieces with the help of the participating artists.
Painters Saki Tanaka (Japan) and Sanna Kananoja (Finland) will guide the walks and workshops, and will finalise the works together with the participants. No previous experience in painting is required.
The workshop is free of charge, and will be held in English in the Didrichsen Art Museum.
To participate, you need to be over 20 years old and able to join on both dates.
Dates: Thursday 29.4.2021 at 10–13, Monday 24.5.2021 10–12
The maximum number of participants is eight.
Place: Didrichsen Art Museum, Kuusilahdenkuja 1, 00340 Helsinki
29.4. Introduction and short artist talk by the artists.
Exploring Didrichsen Art Museum’s sculpture park
Painting inspired by nature
Discussing with participants in Japan through Zoom
~~~ Exchanging the pieces ~~~
24.5. Finalising the works together
Host: The Finnish Institute in Japan
Organizer: Mariko Yoshida
Aalto University Nordic Visual Studies in Art Education Master student
Instagram: @ma10ri12co
Instagram of my course:@nova_masterprogram
In collaboration with: Didrichsen Art Museum
Artists Profiles
Saki Tanaka

Saki Tanaka
Saki Tanaka was born in the United States and spent her childhood in Hong Kong, and her memories led her to be interested in many cultures. With her long-term experience of Japanese calligraphy, her main theme is “breathing” and “rhythm” created by lines and white spaces. She changes her tools for the materials and spaces she works on, and composes with color, lines, and white spaces. She leaves her works all over the world as she brings her daily life into places, she calls that project “stay & work”. She travels, feels the energy of the place and people, and makes artworks that she can create only there. Those works are left there and create new landscape scenery.
Sanna Kananoja

Sanna Kananoja
Sanna Kananoja is a Turku based Finnish artist whose landscape paintings tell stories about nature’s and humans’ intertwined lives. In her paintings, nature takes back its space from humans who have used it for their own purposes. Kananoja’s paintings seem almost like big photoprints, but at a closer look they are something between dynamic, drawing and expressive. Abundant colors and lines play an essential role in her works. Kananoja works mainly with egg-tempera paint because of its special shine of colors and possibilities during the painting process. She has held exhibitions regularly from 2007.