The Foundation of the Finnish Institute in Japan has elected Bachelor of Arts Akari Hara as the Academic research coordinator of the Finnish Institute in Japan for a three-year period starting on April 8th 2019. The Academic research coordinator is responsible for planning and coordinating the research projects, seminars and conferences of the Institute. The institute is located in Tokyo.
Akari Hara has previously worked both in corporate life and in international organizations.
The Finnish Institute in Japan is an academic and cultural institute operating in Tokyo. It identifies and anticipates the development and cooperation needs of Finland and Japan, especially in the fields of science, culture and education, and it also helps potential partners to find each other between Finland and Japan, as well as Eastern Asia on a wider level.
The Finnish Institute in Japan is in the midst of eventful years. The Institute celebrated its 20th anniversary last year. This year it will take part of the celebration of 100 years of diplomatic relations between Finland and Japan, and in 2020, Tokyo will host the Olympic Games.
Finland has 17 cultural and academic institutes in total around the world. The Finnish Institute in Japan is currently the only office in Eastern Asia. More information: Director of the Finnish Institute in Japan, Dr. Anna-Maria Wiljanen, (anna-maria.wiljanen@finstitute.jp, tel. +81 80 4069 7846).